Home: [Tournament]
[Tournament 2004]
Volleybalclub Merksplas http://www.volleybalmerksplas.be info(at-)volleybalmerksplas.be |
Dear volleyball friends,
V.C. Merksplas hereby kindly invites you to take part at the
on saturday the 7th and sunday the 8th of august 2004 |
at the municipal sportscenter, Hofeinde in Merksplas (Tel 0032 14 63 41 76)
We will play indoor as well as outdoor.
Inscriptions: Division league: male and female teams Provincial league: male, female and mixed teams Local league: male, female and mixed teams Recreation 6-6 : male, female and mixed teams in level A (experienced/strong teams) Recreation 6-6 : male, female and mixed teams in level B (other teams) 3-3 (on gras) competition male and female teams in provincial and local league 3-3 (on gras) Recreation: male, female and mixed teams
Entry fee: € 40 per team, € 20 for teams playing 3 against 3 Payable by payment on account nr
001-3123786-74 from Volleybalclub Merksplas with mention of “International
Tournament 2004” and the name of the team. IBAN (Int. Bank Account Number): BE16001312378674 BIC (Bank Identification Code): GEBABEBB Latest inscription date: 15th of july 2004
Some information:
Webpage: tornooi.volleybalmerksplas.be www.volleybalmerksplas.be E-mail: secretaris(at-)volleybalmerksplas.be / info(at-)volleybalmerksplas.be
Further information: Volleybalclub Merksplas Belet Roger - Kloosterstraat 17 - B/2330 Merksplas Tel.: 00 32 (0)14 - 63 48 32 Mob.: 00 32 (0) 497 - 38 86 25 Fax: 00 32 (0)14 - 63 28 98